Welcome to NetSwingers UK - The Hottest UK online swinging club !!! If your a swinging couple or sexy single, we have Swingers waiting to meet you. Along with chat boards, party information NetSwingers UK is your place to enjoy all your desires. Why not click on our advert button to see some of our current adverts. These are genuine adverts from our members, who like yourself have wild sexual fantasies they would like help in for fulfilling. Each Week hundreds of UK Swingers visit the Netswingers website. Be one of those swingers having all the adult fun. Join today and let the swinging begin ... :)

Welcome to one of the fastest growing contacts agencies for Swingers in the UK. We aim to help our members make their fantasies come true. With such a huge membership and with more singles and couples joining every week, you can be assured we will have many swingers for you to meet. Here's your chance to explore your wildest fantasies. There are other members who share your desires and whether you're doing this for the first time or if you have lived the lifestyle for a while, at Net Swingers UK there is something for everyone!!

We accept adverts from anyone who can leave their inhibitions at the door, who look forward to finally fulfilling their most secret desires or those with a craving for wild sexual encounters. So if you are a like minded male, female or couple living in the UK join us now and let the party begin. The minimum age to be a member is 18.

Net Swingers is a fully secure agency and we guarantee your anonymity. All members are given a unique secure netswingers email box on our system as part of their account. All mail is managed through Net Swingers which means your email address is not disclosed until you are ready to take that step. Any email sent to you through this unique system will be forwarded to an email address of your choice by our mail server.

  • Netswingers has one of the largest UK only listings of active swingers
  • Netswingers caters for both old and new members of the swinging community
  • Netswingers allows photo's to be added with your profile.
  • Netswingers runs its own mail services, meaning that your email address is never displayed on our site
  • Netswingers run a private message board, read messages from other swingers
  • Netswingers is now FREE SIGNUP !!!